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Friday, December 21, 2012

Windows 8 Activation Crack (All Versions)

Activator 1 : 

Windows 8 activated with 7TKKMSA server can be used genuinely for 180 days, allowing all personalization and full features, although its still an unknown if the system can pass the genuine Windows validation. After 180 days, the Windows 8 system will need to check against a KMS host to maintain the activated status. Without activation, Windows 8 runs in notification mode where notification watermark appears every 3 hours to remind user to activate the system, and with restricted functionality especially those that related to personalization.

Pieces of Eight v3.3 (POE) Cracked

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Membuka File Ms.Office yang di Password

Berhubungan ada request yang lama belum terjawab karena kesibukan ini dia saya hadirkan

Untuk mencoba untuk masuk file Microsoft Word, sebelumnya kita harus memiliki file yang bernama “Word Password Recovery”. Dengan mengunjungi alamat situs berikut, silahkan downloadsoftwarenya : Berikut langkah-langkah cara penggunaannya setelah didownload filenya :

1. Pada kotak dialog “Free Word and Excel password recovery wizard”, klik tombol Next atau kliktab Select file. Lalu pada kotak dialog Select Word or Excel File di File of type, pilih Word files (*.doc), lalu pilih file yang sudah anda beri password tadi.

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Size : 96 MB

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